Recent, selected, and relevant publications from our group members with comments and links to full-texts (alphabetically):
- Höltgen, Stefan (2020): OPEN HISTORY. Archäologie der frühen Mikrocomputer und ihrer Programmierung. (Dissertation, Berlin 2020). [LINK] – German language ScD thesis about early micro computers and their programming. One chapter contains a methodology to compare source codes with methods of linguistics and literature studies.
- Höltgen, Stefan (2020): GOTO MOON. Mondlandesimulationen als Computerspiele. Einblick und Eingriff ins Software-Archiv. In: Paidia, 04.03.2020. [LINK] – German language paper about different lunar-lander simulation games from the late 1960s to the 1980s programmed in BASIC. A comparison of adopted algorithms for implementing physics into the simulations.
- Höltgen, Stefan (2022): »Und wenn ich diese Taste drück …«. Sounds und ihre Programmierung in BASIC-Spielen. In: Paidia, 23.03.2022. [LINK] – A German language ludomusicological paper about programming sounds for BASIC games in 1980s home computers, focussing the different technologys and their representations in the BASIC dialects of the platforms.